Monday, August 9, 2010

Why This Blog, Why Now?

Ah, so you have found Meta Hipster Blog. The first thing you are asking yourself is probably something along the lines of "dammit, how has someone gotten away with making another one of these blogs?" Well, at risk of sounding cliche, this isn't another blog that simply mocks or celebrates the "hipster" lifestyle. The average blog about hipsters finds a niche within a niche and addresses it. It usually asks an absurd question, "what would a baby look like dressed in hipster clothes? What do hipsters have in common with the Taliban?" This blog fills a void, it chronicles those blogs. In the age of the internet, history is written immediately. But there is very little opportunity to step back and look at how we are writing this history, how we view ourselves. Other blogs can chronicle hipsters and how they express themselves, but this blog can chronicle how hipsters are being chronicled. It is an instant historiography. Instead of seeing hipsters, we can see how society views them and how they are presented to a general public (sometimes by themselves, sometimes by others). In hipsters (as shown through hipster blogs), we see ourselves. Also, these blogs about hipsters are ridiculous. Enjoy.

Unhappy Hipsters

Unhappy Hipsters. One might say that this is a redundant phrase, but this blog manages to delve into a realm that the normal hipster-blogger misses. The hipsters featured here are lonely and unhappy -- just like hipsters everywhere -- but these hipsters are not unhappy with the world around them. Instead, they are disillusioned with the world they have created. They are show alone, trapped within the decor of their stylish isolated turrets they have designed themselves. They acknowledge their entrapment and embrace it. They see that they are not much different from their suburban parents and neighbors. Most of all, the blog gives them a chance at redemption and catharsis once we find a way out of the existential despair that comes along with the fear and trembling of being a hipster. For giving us hope to see beyond the abyss, this blog gets: B

Hipster Puppies

Hipster Puppies. Two words that don't belong together. Sure hipsters have puppies. In fact, they should have puppies, hipsters can be loving people. But, puppies cannot be hipsters. True, they eat their own shit, can listen to garbage all day, and women are oddly attracted to them. Still, a dog lacks the ability to express itself ironically. This is due to both a lack of theory of mind and a lack of disappointed parents to rebel against. Still, puppies dressed as hipsters are cute. Meta-Rating: C